How To Get Work Permit & Visa in Bangladesh

Most nationals of the world must apply for a Bangladesh visa in order to visit Bangladesh. There are, however, some nations whose citizens can visit Bangladesh without a visa and others who can obtain a Bangladesh visa upon arrival.This article explains the Bangladesh visa in detail, including the different types of visas available, how to apply, what documentation is needed, how much it costs, and other frequently asked questions. 

When a foreigner enters Bangladesh, he must have the appropriate visas to enter the country. Obtaining a work permit and visas in Bangladesh can be a difficult process at times. If a foreign expat wishes to enter Bangladesh, he must apply for and obtain a work permit from the BIDA (Bangladesh Investment Development Authority) 

Obtaining Visa & Work Permit was was previously very difficult but since the Government of Bangladesh is encouraging more foreign investments within the country, the sector of providing visa and work permit has flourished and the system has been now dealt on an online basis, for convenience. The Government of Bangladesh is encouraging more foreign investments within the country. 

In the following we have discussed the procedure of obtaining some important visas, you may also look into the short description of our Immigration services here, which are often applied by the foreign expats, to enter Bangladesh:

A3 visa

The visa is issued after all required documents are submitted to the respective Bangladeshi Embassy, along with the recommendation of the Embassy or relevant ministry/economic relations department/relevant government agency.The visa is valid for the duration of the employment or five years, whichever comes first, depending on the desecration of the visa issuing authority (respective Bangladeshi embassy).
When the visa expires, the expatriate can apply to the Department of Immigration and Passports for an extension (DIP). The DIP, upon receiving the recommendation of the concerned Ministry / Economic Relations Department of the Ministry of Finance / relevant government agency of Bangladesh, Security Clearance, and taking into account the terms of the agreement between the Government and the development partner, can extend the visa for the full employment period or up to five years, whichever is shorter.

(i)Eligible Persons: Expert/Consultant/Officer/Staff /Worker employed in projects under bilateral/multilateral agreements with development partners:
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from concerned Ministry/ERD/Govt. Organization and copy of agreement, Security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs

B visa

Businessmen and representatives are eligible. The visa is issued by the respective Bangladeshi Embassy upon receipt of all required documents, including recommendations from recognized chambers of commerce OR recommendations from a local sponsor in Bangladesh.
The Embassy issues visas for a maximum of six months. When the visa expires, the expatriate can apply to the Department of Immigration and Passports for a visa extension (DIP). The DIP can extend the visa for a maximum of three months after receiving security clearance and the recommendation of the local sponsor.

(i) Eligible Persons: Businessmen or their representatives
(ii)Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from local Sponsor, Security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs

E visa

Experts/advisers/employees/individuals appointed in government/semi-government/autonomous bodies/projects and equivalent organizations, OR individuals employed in local/foreign government/semi-government/liaison/industrial/commercial organizations or other equivalent organizations, OR individuals appointed under local/foreign government/semi-government contractor ship and in equivalent organizations
The Embassy will issue a visa for a maximum of three months after receiving all required documents and a recommendation from the concerned Ministry in Bangladesh / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)/ Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA). When the visa expires, the expatriate can apply to the Department of Immigration and Passports for a visa extension (DIP). The DIP can extend the visa for the full employment period or a maximum of three years after receiving the security clearance and work permit.

(i) Eligible Persons: Expert/Consultant/Employees/Persons employed in Govt./semi-Govt. Organization, autonomous and similar Organizations, Employees and Persons working in local and Foreign Govt./Private Contractor’s firms and Institutions of the same class
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from employer, Work permit from concerned authority, Security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs.

E1 visa

Experts/advisers/employees/individuals appointed in government/semi-government/autonomous bodies/projects and equivalent organizations, OR individuals employed in local/foreign government/semi-government/liaison/industrial/commercial organizations or other equivalent organizations, OR individuals appointed under local/foreign government/semi-government contractor ship and in equivalent organizations
The Embassy will issue a visa for a maximum of three months after receiving all required documents and a recommendation from the concerned Ministry in Bangladesh / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)/ Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA). When the visa expires, the expatriate can apply to the Department of Immigration and Passports for a visa extension (DIP). The DIP can extend the visa for the full employment period or a maximum of three years after receiving the security clearance and work permit.

(i) Eligible Persons: Expert/Consultant/Employees/Persons employed in Govt./semi-Govt. Organization, autonomous and similar Organizations, Employees and Persons working in local and Foreign Govt./Private Contractor’s firms and Institutions of the same class
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from employer, Work permit from concerned authority, Security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs.

PI visa

Investors in existing / new / under construction / upcoming industrial / commercial entities in the private sector under joint venture or 100% foreign owned company are eligible.Upon receipt of all required documents, including a recommendation from the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)/ Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) certifying that the applicant is a genuine investor, the Embassy will issue a visa for a maximum of one year.
When the visa expires, the expatriate can apply to the Department of Immigration and Passports for a visa extension (DIP). The DIP can extend the visa for a maximum of five years after receiving a recommendation letter from the BIDA stating that the investment is continuing, a recommendation letter from the relevant organization (company in which the investment is made), and security clearance, along with other required documents.

(i) Eligible Persons: Foreign Investors in private sector and Industr8ial/Commercial enterprise established in jo8int venture of foreign Investment
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from concerned organization, Certificate from BOI?BEPZA that the Investor is continuing investment, Security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs, Work permit when employed in own firm

T visa

Citizens of any country with diplomatic relations with Bangladesh, as well as individuals attending a seminar, symposium, or study tour, are eligible.

Citizens of any country with diplomatic relations with Bangladesh, as well as individuals attending a seminar, symposium, or study tour, are eligible.
After receiving all required documents, the Embassy will issue a visa for a maximum of two months. When the visa expires, the visa holder can apply to the Department of Immigration and Passports for an extension (DIP). DIP can only extend the visa for one month. Priority level: Medium

(i) Eligible Persons: Tourists from the countries having (b) diplomatic Relations with Bangladesh (b) Participants in seminar/workshop-p, organized at private level and persons arriving on study tour
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Extendable up to 30 days with Police verification report (India & Pakistan as per Agreement

A1 visa

A1 visa
Officials of the government / semi-government / autonomous bodies / members of the government delegation and entourage, accompanying spouse and dependent children are all eligible. After receiving a verbal note from the sending government and examining the necessary travel documents, the Embassy will issue a visa for the duration of the visit. When the visa expires, the visa holder can apply to the Department of Immigration and Passports for an extension (DIP). After receiving a recommendation letter from the relevant ministry/organizer, the DIP can extend the visa for the duration of the visit.
Officers of Govt./Semi-Govt.Organization/Autonomous Bodies/Members of Govt. delegation, their spouse and dependent children.

(i) Eligible Persons: Recommendation from concerned Ministry or Respective Organization
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from concerned Ministry or Respective Organization

J visa

Journalists from newspapers, magazines, TV or radio networks, news agencies, representatives from print, electronic, or satellite media, and freelance journalists are all eligible. The Embassy shall require a clearance from the External Publicity Wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka, along with other required documents, for the issuance of a one-time J category visa for a limited period. The Embassy may only issue visas for a period of one month. The Embassy will examine the employment documents and issue a visa for a maximum of three months for J type visas with three entries. DIP can extend such visas for a maximum of three years or the full employment period, whichever is shorter, after receiving security clearance from the home ministry, a work permit from BIDA, and a recommendation from the employer.

(i) Eligible Persons: Journalists/Representatives of foreign News Papers/Journals/Radio/Television/News Media /Satellite Media or Freelance Journalists etc.

(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from concerned Organization, Recommendation from External Publicity Wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Work Permit from Board of Investment, Security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs

TF visa

Spouses and children of Bangladesh citizens, as well as spouses and children of foreign nationals of Bangladeshi origin, are eligible. To issue a visa for a maximum of one year, the Embassy will require proof of Bangladesh citizenship, an affidavit confirming relationship as spouse/children, and a birth/marriage certificate. DIP can extend such a visa for a maximum of five years based on a police report.

(i) Eligible Persons: Foreign spouse and children of Bangladesh National (b) Foreign National of Bangladeshi origin, spouse and children.
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Documents proving Bangladesh Nationality, Police verification report, Birth/Marriage certificate

TR visa

Individuals passing through Bangladesh on their way to a third country on business. Such visas are issued on the recommendation of the appointing authority, with a confirmed ticket for a maximum of five years or the period of employment, whichever is shorter, and multiple entries (However, Transit visa is restricted to 72 hours for each entry).

(i) Eligible Persons: Transit
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Non Extendable

W visa

Individuals traveling under the “Work and Holiday” Agreement, the Development & Volunteers program, and bilateral / multilateral agreements, as well as their spouses and children, are eligible. The embassy will issue visas for the duration specified in the agreement. DIP can extend such visas for the necessary period of time based on the security clearance and recommendation from the appropriate authority. Based on the lowest priority

(i) Eligible Persons: Foreign National with their spouses and dependent children under bilateral and multilateral agreement for work and holiday, Development and Volunteers programme
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from concerned authority, Security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs

A visa

Heads of State / Heads of Government / Ministers / State Ministers / Deputy Ministers / Members of Parliament / Provincial Assembly Members / Mayors / or persons with equivalent status and their entourage, accompanying spouse and dependent family members. The visa issuing authority issues the visa after receiving a Note Verbale from the sending government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the required period of time.

(i) Eligible Persons: Head of the State/Head of the Govt./Minister/ State Minister/Deputy Minister/Member of Parliament/Member of Regional Council/Mayor and the person enjoying similar status and their entourage/spouse and dependent family members
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Note Verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the respective Government

C visa

Applicable to crew members of international airlines, ships, vessels, and other modes of transportation.
The visa issuing authority issues the visa after receiving the appointing authority’s recommendation.

(i) Eligible Persons: Crews of Airlines/Ships and other Transport sectors (engaged in International route)
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Recommendation from competent Authority (visas are issued with a stay permission of 7 days on each journey only)

ND visa

Personal staff of the Principal visiting on A, A2, and D category visas, as well as non-diplomatic staff members and their spouses and dependent family members, are eligible. After receiving the Note Verbale from the sending government, the visa is issued by the visa issuing authority for the required period of time. The visa can be extended by applying to the DIP through the relevant embassy.

(i) Eligible Persons: Personal staff of A, A-2 and D visa holders, Non diplomatic staff, their spouse and dependent family members
(ii) Documents Required with Visa Application: Letter from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Recommendation from concerned Organization

Work Permit

The Bangladesh Government has designated the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)to arrange work permits for expats who wish to work in Bangladesh. Private companies, liaison/representative offices, industrial enterprises, and branch offices that want to hire foreign nationals must apply to the BIDA using the prescribed form. Employment of expatriate personnel in industrial/commercial establishments will be considered only if sanctioned/registered by the appropriate authority.
The initial term of employment for any foreign national is two years, which may be extended based on the merits of the case. The Ministry of Home Affairs will issue the necessary security clearance certificate. Foreign nationals arriving in Bangladesh must have either a “E” (for employees) or a “PI” (for investors) type visa.

Other Information

Foreign citizens/nationals of India, Pakistan, and South Korea flying to Bangladesh with a valid visa for 90 days or more must REGISTER at the airport.
In the case of land port entry, such registration should be completed at the nearest District Special Branch (DSB) / City Special Branch (CSB) (CSB). A visa extension application must be submitted before the current visa expires. If a visa extension application is submitted after the visa’s expiration date, a penalty for overstaying will be imposed. If the overstay is less than a month, a fine can be paid to the customs authorities as you leave Bangladesh.
However, if the overstay exceeds one month, DIP must be notified. If you overstay for less than 15 days, the fine is BDT 200 to 300 per day; if you overstay for more than 15 days, the fine is BDT 1000.