Work Permit VISA
Most nationals of the world must apply for a Bangladesh visa in order to visit Bangladesh. There are, however, some nations whose citizens can visit Bangladesh without a visa and others who can obtain a Bangladesh visa upon arrival.This article explains the Bangladesh visa in detail, including the different types of visas available, how to apply, what documentation is needed, how much it costs, and other frequently asked questions.
What are the types of Visas for Bangladesh?
- Bangladesh Tourist Visa, issued to foreigners entering the country simply for tourism purposes.
- Bangladesh Business Visa, for foreigners entering the country for business-related purposes. An invitation letter from a company in Bangladesh is usually required.
- Bangladesh Journalist Visa, for foreign journalists traveling temporarily for their work.
- Diplomatic/Governmental Visa, for officials who are traveling for diplomatic and governmental purposes.
- Diplomatic/Governmental Visa, for officials who are traveling for diplomatic and governmental purposes.
- Bangladesh Research Visa, for foreigners participating in a research, training, or Internship program in a government-approved organization in Bangladesh.
- Bangladesh Transit Visa, for foreigners who will change flights in a Bangladesh airport. This type of visa is valid for a maximum of 72 hours.
- Bangladesh Employment Visa is issued to foreigners who have found work in Bangladesh.
- Bangladesh Student Visa, for foreign students who wish to study in a Bangladeshi educational institution.
Note :
- Foreigners who intend to stay in Bangladesh for more than two months must register with the Immigration and Passport Office in Dhaka.
- Family members of Bangladeshi citizens (spouse and children) are exempt from visa requirements and are eligible for the No Visa Required stamp.
How to Apply for a Work Permit and a Visa in Bangladesh
Work Permit (WP) VISA is mandatory for every foreign national seeking employment in Bangladesh. Three government authorities issue a work permit in Bangladesh (BIDA, BEZA and NGO Affairs Bureau)
1. For private sector industrial enterprise, branch office and liaison office, outside of Export Processing Zone (EPZ) – Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA).
2. For employment of foreign national in the EPZ– Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA).
3. For employment of foreign national in any NGO – NGO Affairs Bureau.
Private sector industrial enterprises, branch offices, and liaison/representative offices seeking to hire foreign nationals must submit an application to BIDA in the prescribed form. BIDA usually follows the following guidelines when issuing a work permit:
- Only nationals of Bangladesh-recognized countries are considered for employment.
- Only industrial/commercial establishments sanctioned/registered by the appropriate authority are permitted to employ expatriate personnel.
- Foreign nationals are typically considered for jobs where local experts/technicians are unavailable.
- Persons under the age of 18 are not eligible for employment.
- In each case, a decision of the board of directors of the concerned company is required for new employment/employment extension.
- Foreign employees should not exceed 5% of total employees in the industrial sector and 20% in the commercial sector, including top management personnel.
- Any foreign national’s employment is initially considered for a one-year term, which may be extended based on the merits of the case.
- Security clearance will be required from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

For recruitment, the employer must publish a newspaper advertisement or an online advertisement minimum 15 days prior.
This requirement is not always required.
Local sponsors (Liaison/Branch Offices or local businesses) will apply online to BIDA for the issuance of an E visa recommendation in favor of the desired foreign national.
This application typically requires the following documents:
- Copy of branch/liaison/representative office permission letter or Memorandum of Articles of association and Certificate of Incorporation in the case of a locally incorporated company.
- Expatriate Name, Nationality, and Passport Number are mentioned in the Board Resolution for the employment of foreign nation(s).
- Expatriate/Investor/Employee passport copy (Whole of the used part).
- Expat/investor appointment letter/transfer order/service contract or agreement
- Employees must provide proof of all Educational & Professional Certificate. The Expatriate’s photograph (Passport Size)
- Paperclipping displaying an advertisement for local personnel recruitment prior to the appointment of the expatriate (s).
- The company’s specific activities according to the MOA
- Statement of manpower showing a list of local and expatriate personal employed with the designation with the designation, salary breakdown, nationality, and date of the first appointment. (Latest Copy).
- Encashment certificate of minimum US $50,000.00 inward remittance as initial establishment cost for branch/liaison/representative office and locally incorporated/joint venture and 100% foreign ownership companies.
- Income tax clearance certificate that is up to date (Organization).
- Attachment of company comments according to remarks (if any)
N.B: : All documents must be attested by the Company/firms’ Chairman/CEO/Managing Director/Country Manager/Chief Executive.
The foreign national must enter Bangladesh with the E visa once it has been issued within the Visa validity ends.
The respective foreign national must apply for Work Permit (WP) within 15 days of Arrival (Passport first page, Visa PAGE, Immigration Airport stamped page not more than 2 MB). A fee of BDT 5,000 is applicable in this regard.
A new work permit requires the following papers/documents:
- All the documents listed in the second step.
- Attested photocopy of employee’s passport with arrival stamp ‘E’ type visa.
The Government of Bangladesh is encouraging more foreign investments within the country. As a result, the sector of providing visa and work permit has flourished. The system is now dealt on an online-basis, for convenience, to obtain a visa or work permit.